Friday, February 20, 2009

Thing #15 Week 6: Future of Libraries and Web 2.0

After reading "Into a New World of librarianship," I agreed with the premise that library users have taken quite a refreshing and more of an active role and participation in their libraries. Nevermore will users have a "read only" mindset with no voice or thoughts about having libraries reflecting user needs.

As a library media specialist, I personally and professionally feel that Library 2.0 has to be a mirror to how different user groups are talking, creating, and publishing. It is indeed refreshing to know that people can collaborate in an online environment and have a partipatory voice that has an immediate presence in an online arena.

In the article, "Away from Icebergs," the segment that resonated with me was the idea that our present user interfaces pose a formidable obstacle to users who may get frustrated in trying to get information in a prescribed mode only. Librarians and corresponding institutions, therefore, need to be sensitive and responsive to how information is accessed and in delivering in multiple formats, not just in print formats or venues that allow only restricted usage. School library users will also gain formidable strides because they are already well-versed in being content-creators, now they need us to catch up to their strides. This is not the time to be inflexible; this is the time to adapt newer platforms of communicating with an ever-growing presence in an online community.

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